Yuan Liu's Homepage (刘元)
School of Electronic and Information Engineering
South China University of Technology
Shaw Science Building 316, Wushan Road 381, Guangzhou, 510641, P. R. China
E-mail: eeyliu@scut.edu.cn, eeyuanliu@ieee.org
I received PhD degree in the Department of Electronic and Engineering in Shanghai Jiao Tong University, 2013. From Fall 2013, I joined in the School of Electronic and Information Engineering in South China University of Technology, where I am currently an Associate Professor. I am broadly interested in wireless communications, including theoretical analysis, signal processing and optimization.
Current Researches:
Edge AI
Editor for IEEE Communications Letters
Editor for IEEE Access
IEEE Senior Member
TPC member for numerous conferences
Visitors (Thank all friends for visiting my research group. Thank their friendship and support!)
Prof. Liang Liu at The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, talk on "Machine-type communications for internet of things: Roadmap to a connected world", Oct. 10, 2019.
Prof. Derrick Wing Kwan Ng at University of New South Wales, talk on "The road to 5G wireless systems: challenges, opportunities, and solutions", Mar. 15, 2019.
Prof. Wei Yu at University of Toronto, talk on "Spatial deep learning for wireless scheduling", Nov. 30, 2018.
Dr. He Chen at University of Sydney, talk on "Wireless connectivity for industrial internet of things: Challenges and opportunities", Nov. 6, 2018.
Prof. Kaibin Huang at University of Hong Kong, talk on "Towards an intelligent edge: Wireless communication meets machine learning", Jul. 27, 2018.
Prof. Kat-Kit Wong at University College London, talk on "Cognitive radios: A case for artificial collective intelligence in mobile communications networks", Apr. 4, 2018.
Prof. Rui Zhang at National University of Singapore, talk on "UAV meets wireless communication: Opportunities and challenges", Dec. 18, 2017.
Prof. Yik-Chung Wu at University of Hong Kong, talk on "Advances in machine learning techniques with applications to communications and image processing", Oct. 31, 2017.
Prof. Nan Yang at Australian National University, talk on "Mitigating pilot contamination in multi-cell multiuser massive MIMO networks", Sep. 8, 2017.
Prof. Xiaojun Yuan at University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, talk on "Recent advances on sparse signal recovery", Aug. 31, 2017.
Prof. Jun Zhang at Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, talk on "Resource management for mobile edge computing", Aug. 16, 2017.
Prof. Meixia Tao at Shanghai Jiao Tong University, talk on "Coded caching in wireless networks", Jul. 31, 3017.
Prof. Tsung-Hui Chang at Chinese University of Hong Kong (Shenzhen), talk on "Large-scale distributed optimization by ADMM: Algorithms and applications", Apr. 28, 2017.
Prof. Xiangyun Zhou at Australian National University, talk on "Physical layer security: Towards practical performance measures and CSI assumptions", Apr. 7, 2017.
Prof. Xiangyun Zhou at Australian National University, talk on "Wireless powered communication: Theoretical case studies and practical design considerations", Apr. 6, 2017.
Prof. Tao Shu at Auburn University, talk on "Data-driven context-aware wireless networking", Dec. 26, 2016.
Prof. Kaibin Huang at University of Hong Kong, talk on "Mobile edge computing: algorithms and optimal control", Dec. 21, 2016.
Prof. Xuemin (Sherman) Shen at University of Waterloo, talk on "Vehicular networks and the impact of mobility on its performance and applications", Nov. 25, 2016.
Prof. Tony Q. S. Quek at Singapore University of Technology and Design, talk on "Fundamentals and recent advances in 5G wireless systems", Oct. 11, 2016.
Prof. Jianwei Huang at the Chinese University of Hong Kong, talk on "Crowdsourced mobile video streaming", May 23, 2016.
Prof. Kui Ren at State University of New York at Buffalo, Jan. 11, 2016.
Dr. Jie Xu at Singapore University of Technology and Design, talk on "Green cellular networks with energy and communication cooperation", Oct. 27, 2015.
Dr. Yong Zeng at National University of Singapore, talk on "Millimeter wave MIMO with lens antenna array", Oct. 27, 2015.
Prof. Kaibin Huang at University of Hong Kong, talk on "Cutting the last wireless for mobile communications by microwave power transfer", Sep. 28, 2015.
Prof. Jia Liu at Ohio State University, talk on "Fast-converging distributed optimization for networked systems: A second-order approach", May 6, 2015.
Prof. Ming Li at University of Nevada, talk on "Transmission auction: A novel auction paradigm for untrustworthy dynamic secondary spectrum markets", May 5, 2015.
Prof. Lingyang Song at Peking University, talk on "Full-duplex wireless communications and networks", Jan. 18, 2015.
Prof. Kaibin Huang at University of Hong Kong, talk on "Communications using ubiquitous antennas", Dec. 30, 2014.
Prof. Feifei Gao at Tsinghua University, talk on " Sensing and recognition when primary user has multiple transmit powers", Dec. 29, 2014.
Prof. Lingjie Duan at Singapore University of Technology and Design, talk on "Green and cooperative design for future wireless networks", Dec. 19, 2014.
Prof. Li Chen at Sun Yat-sen University, talk on "Iterative soft decoding of Reed-Solomon convolutional concatenated codes", Dec. 12, 2014.
Dr. Shahriar E. Tajbakhsh at University of New South Wales, talk on "Challenges and solutions of future heterogeneous networks", Nov. 27, 2014.
Prof. Rui Wang at Tongji University, talk on "MIMO multiway relaying: A degrees of freedom perspective", Oct. 17, 2014.
Publication (My Google Citation Profile)
Journal Articles (* denotes students under my supervision):
Y. Liu, Z. Zeng, W. Tang, and F. Chen, "Data-importance aware radio resource allocation: Wireless communication helps machine learning", IEEE Communications Letters, 2020.
Y. Huang*, Y. Liu, and F. Chen, "NOMA-aided mobile edge computing via user cooperation", IEEE Transactions on Communications, vol. 68, no. 4, pp. 2221-2235, Apr. 2020.
Y. Liu, "Exploiting NOMA for cooperative edge computing", IEEE Wireless Communications Magazine, vol. 26, no. 5, pp. 99-103, Oct. 2019.
Z. Liang*, Y. Liu, T.-M. Lok, and K. Huang, "Multiuser computation offloading and downloading for edge computing with virtualization", IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, vol. 18, no. 9, pp. 4298-4311, Sep. 2019.
Z. Lin* and Y. Liu, "Joint uplink and downlink transmissions in user-centric OFDMA cloud-RAN", IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 2019, vol. 68, no. 8, pp. 7776-7788, Aug. 2019.
Y. Huang*, Y. Liu, and G. Y. Li, "Energy efficiency of distributed antenna systems with wireless power transfer", IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, vol. 37, no. 1, pp. 89-99, Jan. 2019.
M. Liu* and Y. Liu, "Charge-then-forward: Wireless powered communication for multiuser relay networks", IEEE Transactions on Communications, vol. 66, no. 11, pp. 5155-5167, Nov. 2018.
M. Zhang* and Y. Liu, "Secure beamforming for untrusted MISO cognitive radio networks", IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, vol. 17, no. 7, pp. 4861-4872, Jul. 2018.
Y. Huang*, M. Liu*, and Y. Liu, "Energy-efficient SWIPT in IoT distributed antenna systems", IEEE Internet of Things Journal, vol. 5, no. 4, pp. 2646-2656, Aug. 2018.
M. Liu* and Y. Liu, "Price-based distributed offloading for mobile-edge computing with computation capacity constraints", IEEE Wireless Communications Letters, vol. 7, no. 3, pp. 420-423, Jun. 2018.
J. Yao*, X. Zhou, Y. Liu, and S. Feng, "Secure transmission in linear multihop relaying networks", IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, vol. 17, no. 2, pp. 822-834, Feb. 2018.
J. Yao* and Y. Liu, "Secrecy rate maximization with outage constraint in multihop relaying networks", IEEE Communications Letters, vol. 22, no. 2, pp. 304-307, Feb. 2018.
Y. Liu, J. Xu, and R. Zhang, "Exploiting interference for secrecy wireless information and power transfer", IEEE Wireless Communications Magazine, vol. 25, no. 1, pp. 133-139, Feb. 2018.
W. Tang*, S. Feng, Y. Ding, and Y. Liu, "Physical layer security in heterogeneous networks with jammer selection and full-duplex users", IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, vol. 16, no. 12, pp. 7982-7995, Dec. 2017.
J. Yan* and Y. Liu, "A dynamic SWIPT approach for cooperative cognitive radio networks", IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 66, no. 12, pp. 11122-11136, Dec. 2017.
Y. Liu, "Joint resource allocation in SWIPT-based multi-antenna decode-and-forward relay networks", IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 66, no. 10, pp. 9192-9200, Oct. 2017.
M. Liu* and Y. Liu, "Power allocation for secure SWIPT systems with wireless-powered cooperative jamming", IEEE Communications Letters, vol. 21, no. 6, pp. 1353-1356, Jun. 2017.
Z. Xia*, J. Yan*, and Y. Liu, "Cooperative content delivery in multicast multihop device-to-device networks", IEEE Access, vol. 5, no. 1, pp. 6314-6324, May 2017.
Y. Liu, R. Wang, and Z. Han, "Interference-constrained pricing for D2D networks", IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, vol. 16, no. 1, pp. 475-486, Jan. 2017.
W. Tang*, S. Feng, Y. Liu, and Y. Ding, "Hybrid duplex switching in heterogeneous networks", IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, vol. 15, no. 11, pp. 7419-7431, Nov. 2016.
Y. Liu, "Wireless information and power transfer for multirelay-assisted cooperative communication", IEEE Communications Letters, vol. 20, no. 4, pp. 784-787, Apr. 2016.
Y. Liu, "Optimal mode selection in D2D-enabled multibase station systems", IEEE Communications Letters, vol. 20, no. 3, pp. 470-473, Mar. 2016.
M. Zhang*, Y. Liu, and R. Zhang, "Artificial noise aided secrecy information and power transfer in OFDMA systems", IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, vol. 15, no. 4, pp. 3085-3096, Apr. 2016.
J. Yao*, S. Feng, X. Zhou, and Y. Liu, "Secure routing in multihop wireless ad-hoc networks with decode-and-forward relaying", IEEE Transactions on Communications, vol. 64, no. 2, pp. 753-764, Feb. 2016.
M. Zhang* and Y. Liu, "Energy harvesting for physical-layer security in OFDMA networks", IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security, vol. 11, no. 1, pp. 154-162, Jan. 2016.
Y. Liu and X. Wang, "Information and energy cooperation in OFDM relaying: Protocols and optimization", IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 65, no. 7, pp. 5088-5098, Jul. 2016.
M. Zhao*, X. Wang, Y. Liu, and S. Feng, "Sparse beamforming in multiple multi-antenna amplify-and-forward relay networks", IEEE Communications Letters, vol. 18, no. 6, pp. 1023-1026, Jun. 2014.
J. Chen*, S. Feng, M. Huang, Y. Liu, and F. Ke, "Outage analysis of distributed antenna system with delayed CSI and unequal-power cochannel interferers", IEEE Communications Letters, vol. 18, no. 5, pp. 769-772, May 2014.
J. Mo, M. Tao, Y. Liu, and R. Wang, "Secure beamforming for MIMO two-way communications with an untrusted relay", IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, vol. 62, no. 9, pp. 2185-2199, May 2014.
R. Wang, E. Liu, and Y. Liu, "Achievable degrees of freedom of cellular multiuser two-way relay networks", IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 63, no. 8, pp. 4028-4038, Oct. 2014.
Y. Liu, J. Mo, and M. Tao, "QoS-aware transmission policies for OFDM bidirectional decode-and-forward relaying", IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, vol. 12, no. 5, pp. 2206-2216, May 2013.
M. Tao and Y. Liu, "A network flow approach to throughput maximization in cooperative OFDMA networks", IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, vol. 12, no. 3, pp. 1138-1148, Mar. 2013.
R. Wang, M. Tao, and Y. Liu, "Optimal linear transceiver designs for cognitive two-way relay networks", IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, vol. 61, no. 4, pp. 992-1005, Feb. 2013.
Y. Liu, M. Tao, and J. Huang, "An auction approach to distributed power allocation for multiuser cooperative networks", IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, vol. 12, no. 1, pp. 237-247, Jan. 2013.
M. Tao and Y. Liu, "Spectrum leasing and cooperative resource allocation in cognitive OFDMA networks", IEEE/KICS Journal of Communications and Networks, vol. 15, no. 1, pp. 102-110, Feb. 2013.
C. Lin, Y. Liu, and M. Tao, "Cross-layer optimization of two-way relaying for statistical QoS guarantees", IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, vol. 31, no. 8, pp. 1583-1596, Aug. 2013.
J. Mo, M. Tao, and Y. Liu, "Relay placement for physical layer security: a secure connection perspective", IEEE Communications Letters, vol. 16, no. 6, pp. 878-881, Jun. 2012.
H. Zhang, Y. Liu, and M. Tao, "Resource allocation with subcarrier pairing in OFDMA two-way relay networks", IEEE Wireless Communications Letters, vol. 1, no. 2, pp. 61-64, Apr. 2012.
Y. Liu and M. Tao, "Optimal channel and relay assignment in OFDM-based multi-relay multi-pair two-way communication networks", IEEE Transactions on Communications, vol. 60, no. 2, pp. 317-321, Feb. 2012.
Y. Liu, M. Tao, B. Li, and H. Shen, "Optimization framework and graph-based approach for relay-assisted bidirectional OFDMA cellular networks", IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, vol. 9, no. 11, pp. 3490-3500, Nov. 2010.
Conference Articles:
H. Chen, F. Chen, and Y. Liu, "Admission control based distributed multiuser computation offloading for edge computing", IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference (GLOBECOM), Waikoloa, USA, December 9-13, 2019.
H. Bao and Y. Liu, "A two-sided matching approach for distributed edge computation offloading", IEEE/CIC International Conference on Communications in China (ICCC), Changchun, China, August 11-13, 2019. (Best Paper Award)
Z. Liang, Y. Liu, K. Huang, and T.-M. Lok, "I/O interference aware multiuser computation offloading for virtualized edge computing", IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), Shanghai, China, May 20-24, 2019.
Y. Huang and Y. Liu, "User cooperation for NOMA-based mobile edge computing", IEEE International Conference on Communication Systems (ICCS), Chengdu, China, December 19-21, 2018. (Invited Paper)
Y. Huang and Y. Liu, "User-centric energy efficiency of distributed antenna systems with wireless power transfer", IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference (GLOBECOM), Abu Dhabi, UAE, December 9-13, 2018.
Z. Lin and Y. Liu, "Joint uplink-downlink resource allocation in OFDMA cloud radio access networks", IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), Kansas, USA, May 20-24, 2018.
M. Liu and Y. Liu, "Relay-assisted multiuser wireless powered communication with processing costs", IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), Kansas, USA, May 20-24, 2018.
M. Liu and Y. Liu, "Wireless powered relaying for multiuser transmission", IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference (GLOBECOM), Singapore, December 4-8, 2017.
Y. Huang and Y. Liu, "Energy-efficient SWIPT in distributed antenna systems", IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference (GLOBECOM), Singapore, December 4-8, 2017.
Z. Lin and Y. Liu, "User-centric OFDMA cloud radio access networks with fronthaul capacity constraints", IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference (GLOBECOM), Singapore, December 4-8, 2017.
X. Cheng and Y. Liu, "Uplink simultaneous wireless information and power transfer with non-orthogonal multiple access", International Conference on Wireless Communications and Signal Processing (WCSP), Nanjing, China, October 11-13, 2017.
Y. Liu, "Optimal power splitting for SWIPT-based MIMO DF relay systems", IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), Paris, France, May 21-25, 2017.
J. Yan and Y. Liu,"Dynamic energy harvesting in cooperative cognitive radio networks", IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference (GLOBECOM), Washington DC, USA, December 4-8, 2016.
Z. Liang and Y. Liu,"Link scheduling in SWIPT systems", IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference (GLOBECOM), Washington DC, USA, December 4-8, 2016.
J. Yao, S. Feng, and Y. Liu, "Secure routing in full-duplex jamming multihop relaying", IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference (GLOBECOM), Washington DC, USA, December 4-8, 2016.
W. Tang, S. Feng, Y. Liu, and Y. Ding, "Jammer selection in heterogeneous networks with full-duplex users", IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference (GLOBECOM), Washington DC, USA, December 4-8, 2016.
Z. Xia, J. Yan, and Y. Liu, "Energy efficiency in multicast multihop D2D networks", IEEE/CIC International Conference on Communications in China (ICCC), Chengdu, China, July 27-29, 2016.
M. Zhang and Y. Liu, "Joint secure beamforming for cognitive radio networks with untrusted secondary users", IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference (GLOBECOM), San Diego, USA, December 6-10, 2015.
M. Zhang, Y. Liu, and R. Zhang, "Secrecy wireless information and power transfer in OFDMA systems", IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference (GLOBECOM), San Diego, USA, December 6-10, 2015.
M. Zhao, S. Feng, and Y. Liu, "Joint power splitting and secure beamforming design in the wireless-powered untrusted relay networks", IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference (GLOBECOM), San Diego, USA, December 6-10, 2015.
W. Tang, S. Feng, Y. Liu, and Mark C. Reed, "Joint low-power transmit and cell association in heterogeneous networks", IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference (GLOBECOM), San Diego, USA, December 6-10, 2015.
W. Tang, S. Feng, Y. Liu, and Y. Ding, "Distance-based hybrid duplex in heterogeneous networks", IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference (GLOBECOM), San Diego, USA, December 6-10, 2015.
W. Tang, S. Feng, Y. Liu, Mark C. Reed, and Y. Ding, "SINR analysis of heterogeneous networks with hybrid duplex", 10th International Conference on Communications and Networking in China (ChinaCom 2015), Shanghai, China, August 15-17, 2015. (Invited Paper)
X. Zhou, S. Feng, Z. Han, and Y. Liu, "Distributed user association and interference coordination in HetNets using Stackelberg game", IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), London, UK, June 8-12, 2015.
V. Naghshin, Mark C. Reed, and Y. Liu, "Decoupled uplink-downlink association for finite multi-tier networks", IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), London, UK, June 8-12, 2015.
V. Naghshin, Mark C. Reed, and Y. Liu, "On the performance analysis of finite wireless network", IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), London, UK, June 8-12, 2015.
Y. Liu and X. Wang, "Information and energy cooperation in OFDM relaying", IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), London, UK, June 8-12, 2015.
S. Tajbakhsh, T. Ray, Mark C. Reed, and Y. Liu, "Joint power control and resource scheduling in wireless heterogeneous networks", 22nd International Conference on Telecommunications (ICT 2015), Sydney, Australia, April 27-29, 2015. (Invited Paper)
M. Zhang, Y. Liu, and S. Feng, "Energy harvesting for secure OFDMA systems", International Conference on Wireless Communications and Signal Processing (WCSP), Hefei, China, October 23-25, 2014.
M. Zhao, S. Feng, Y. Liu, and X. Wang, "Secure beamforming based on sparsity in multiple amplify-and-forward MIMO relay networks", International Conference on Wireless Communications and Signal Processing (WCSP), Hefei, China, October 23-25, 2014.
W. Tang, R. Zhang, Y. Liu, and S. Feng, "Joint resource allocation for eICIC in heterogeneous networks", IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference (GLOBECOM), Austin, USA, December 8-12, 2014.
Y. Liu and S. Feng, "Interference pricing for device-to-device communications", IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), Sydney, Australia, June 10-14, 2014.
Y. Liu and M. Tao, "Distributed resource allocation in cooperative OFDMA heterogeneous networks", IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), Budapest, Hungary, June 9-13, 2013.
C. Lin, M. Tao, G. Stüber, and Y. Liu, "Distributed cross-layer resource allocation for statistical QoS provisioning in femtocell Networks", IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), Budapest, Hungary, June 9-13, 2013.
J. Mo, M. Tao, Y. Liu, B. Xia, and X. Ma, "Secure beamforming for MIMO two-way transmission with an untrusted relay", IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC), Shanghai, China, April 7-10, 2013.
C. Wang, Y. Liu, M. Tao, Z. Han, and D. I. Kim, "Stackelberg game for spectrum reuse in the two-tier LTE femtocell network", IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC), Shanghai, China, April 7-10, 2013.
B. Zhou, Y. Liu, and M. Tao, "Adaptive scheduling for OFDM bidirectional transmission with a buffered relay", IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC), Shanghai, China, April 7-10, 2013.
Y. Liu, J. Mo, and M. Tao, "QoS-aware policies for OFDM bidirectional transmission with decode-and-forward relaying", IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference (GLOBECOM), Anaheim, California, USA, December 3-7, 2012.
Y. Liu and M. Tao, "An optimal graph approach for optimizing OFDMA relay networks", IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), Ottawa, Canada, June 10-15, 2012.
C. Lin, Y. Liu, and M. Tao, "Cross-layer resource allocation of two-way relaying for statistical delay-QoS guarantees", IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), Ottawa, Canada, June 10-15, 2012.
Y. Liu, M. Tao, and J. Huang, "Auction-based optimal power allocation in multiuser cooperative networks", IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference (GLOBECOM), Houston, TX, December 5-9, 2011.
M. Zhang, Y. Liu, M. Tao, and X. Gao, "A graph approach for coordinated channel allocation in downlink multi-cell OFDMA networks", IET International Conference on Communication Technology and Application (IET ICCTA), Beijing, China , Oct. 14-16, 2011.
Y. Liu and M. Tao, "Graph-based optimization for relay-assisted bidirectional cellular networks", IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference (GLOBECOM), Miami, Florida, USA, December 6-10, 2010.
IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing
IEEE Transactions on Communications
IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications
IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology
IEEE Communications Letters
IEEE Wireless Communications Letters
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